
Movie Title
Dead Snow (2009) This was WAY more entertaining than Zombieland
Star Wars (1977) Why is Darth Vader 'friendlier' in this film?
Last Embrace (1979) This film is one of Demme's most underrated
Dredd (2012) It took Ma Ma 9 months to take over.
Barbarella (1968) Other Heroines in The Excessive Machine
Love, Wedding, Marriage (2011) Does a chick flick exist that isn't complete garbage?
The Bounty (1984) Finest Version of the Bounty Story
Oblivion (2013) SPOILER : plot hole about the child
House of Flying Daggers (2004) Were those Horse stunts real?
Lust, Caution (2007) Perception about Asian male's sex appeal
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) The moment the name Khan is mentioned the movie sank.
Song of the South (1946) Why this movie isn't racist
Righteous Kill (2008) Terrible, just terrible
XIII (2008) IIIV - The Worst Movie I'v Ever Seen, Ever
Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Too stylized and cool looking to pretend to pass for 'real superheros'
Man of Steel (2013) THEORY: Superman's powers
Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013) why come lesbeans are so hot in the movies but in reel life there not
May (2003) Angela Bettis (May) was just fantastic...
The Naked Jungle (1954) A Remake?
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) Star Trek IV novelisation/ deleted scenes?