
Movie Title
Pandorum (2009) If you liked this movie then check out...
13 Assassins (2010) Wouldn't it have been easier to ... (SPOILER)
Iron Man 3 (2013) 'I am Ironman'
Hitman (2007) Am I the only person who enjoyed this?
Everybody Wants to Be Italian (2007) Why wouldn't you want to be Italian?
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) This movie is so disturbing
Cheyenne Autumn (1964) Stewart's Earp
Crank (2006) Statham does his own stunts?
Mystery, Alaska (1999) Russell Crowe's Skating Ability
Thor: The Dark World (2013) i always felt that Thor looks more compatible with Sif than Jane but
Hairspray (1988) This is my favorite version
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) 100 things
Evil Dead II (1987) What's Your Favorite of the Trilogy?
Cloud Atlas (2012) Yes this movie is wannabe meaningful meaningless waste of time
Paranormal Activity 4 (2012) i just watched it and have no idea what happened
Zorro's Fighting Legion (1939) reed hadley
Man of Steel (2013) CGI looks fantastic
Mansfield Park (1999) The Crawfords' creepy relationship?
Inside Man (2006) Could they have picked worse intro/ending music?
Life of Brian (1979) Hated all that Bickus Dickus stuff