
Movie Title
Matador (1986) Is there a legal reason that this hasn't been released on DVD in the US?
Evil Dead (2013) raimi has two flops
Cloud Atlas (2012) Things you learned from Cloud Atlas
The Terminator (1984) Delete your post Terminator style!!
Shall We Kiss? (2007) One of the worst time wasters ever
Enigma (2001) Why did Claire freekout when Tom took his notes back?
My Wife Is a Gangster (2001) what a remake? -_-;;
Anniyan (2005) movies copied from
Anniyan (2005) movies copied from
Chasing Mavericks (2012) how dangerous is surfing?
Google Me (2007) Dave Gorman
Superman: Doomsday (2007) Why Change the Story???
Superman: Doomsday (2007) Why Change the Story???
Eve's Bayou (1997) I am really confused about the ending...
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009) Any other British Movie Suggestions?
Finder's Fee (2001) Explaination
The Prodigy (2005) Wow...
The Silencers (1966) The New Matt Helm?
Memphis Belle (1990) No, really: The most depressing part of Memphis Belle
The Great Gatsby (2013) I Love That There Are NO Opening Credits At All