
Movie Title
Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1974) Quite possibly my favorite Hammer movie...
August: Osage County (2013) Beverly a good husband?
Prometheus (2012) If you could change one thing about Prometheus, what would it be?
Safe Haven (2013) HBO or Showtime?
Brighton Rock (2010) I'm reading the book at the moment - am baffled by the casting.
Jungle Fever (1991) Marisa Tomei as Angie
300 (2007) Accents
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Press Screening Twitter Reactions!!
Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Historical inaccuracy with some of the prop placements
Nowhere to Run (1993) 10 Reasons Why This Movie Is Awesome
The Road to Guantanamo (2006) It's thier own fault
Steel Magnolias (1989) That Jackson is one big hangin' man!
Three and Out (2008) song at the end?
Critters 4 (1992) CRITTERS 5 was once planned... (storyline)
The Great Gatsby (2013) Time To Give Leo an Oscar
Intermission (2003) needs subtitles
Outpost (2008) So what do they find in the bunker?
Man of Steel (2013) Bruce Wayne financially aiding in the rebuilding of Metropolis
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011) You cannot call Oscar 'unlikeable.'
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Hasn't aged well