
Movie Title
Cockneys vs Zombies (2012) ?-Question about translation-? (for a french Canadian!)
Pleasantville (1998) Relax conservatives, this is not a liberal movie
Gun Shy (2000) Online
The Perfect Teacher (2010) I'm sorry....
CJ7 (2008) New song question (near beginning, Stephen Chow eating lunch)
Hamlet (2000) This is just....
Deck the Halls (2006) What part of central NY was this supposed to be in?
Raise the Titanic (1980) please let there be a blu ray extended cut soon!
Sir Henry at Rawlinson End (1980) Sir Henry in the Theatre!
Blue Velvet (1986) John (Jack) Nance in DL's films
Playing for Keeps (2012) Butler and Biel wasted in films like these
Ricochet (1991) Deleted rape scene...
The Rebound (2009) How does Justin Bartha fit the role of someone to young for her?
Raging Bull (1980) La motta had bipolar disorder
The Sweeney (2012) Would've been better as a BBC tv series.
The Bad Seed (1956) The worst character ...
Conjurer (2008) City Boy
Man of Steel (2013) Probably been discussed before, but...
Graduation (2007) Music
The Tourist (2010) The Thomas Crown Affair 2