
Movie Title
Bad Biology (2008) Truely the.......
Disco 9000 (1976) Fass Black (Disco 9000)
The Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special (2002) This short film rocks. I want to see a Full length LOBO movie now...
The Dalton Girls (1957) good movie
Special Bulletin (1983) Wow allmost 30 years..
The Wave (2008) What do you think the purpose of Obama's bill HR1388 is for?
The Killer Inside Me (2010) 'It was suicide!'
Deadly Outlaw: Rekka (2002) Other kooky Yakuza movies like this
The Basque Ball: Skin Against Stone (2003) UNA VOZ MAS EN EL ESTRUENDO...que no arreglara nada
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008) Soundtrack = Yello?
The Great Gatsby (2013) Craig Armstrong
The Rig (2010) Best film since Commando
Agent Vinod (2012) Bakwaas!
Her Minor Thing (2005) Racist director
Forbidden Planet (1956) Forbiden Planet The Inspiration For Star Trek
The Legacy (1978) overkill
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) TOS isn't coming back -- ever
Detour (1945) Claudia Drake
Inside Job (2010) Would i understand this...
This Is the End (2013) easily the best scene in the movie