
Movie Title
The Avengers (2012) This Movie Was Awesome
Flight (2012) 100 Things I Learned From Flight.
Erin Brockovich (2000) Julia Roberts - salary
Gulliver's Travels (2010) Can anyone explain to me WHY there were black people in Lilliput ?
Schindler's List (1993) Perhaps the greatest movie ever.
Storm (2005) Ive never been to Sweden so far, but...
Creep (2004) To all those Brit Hating Yanks!
Domino (2005) The Most Stupid Line In the History Of Cinema
American Psycho (2000) Al Pacino Psycho
1408 (2007) Anyone else think this is the greatest horror film of the past 10 years?
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) In the book do Lisbeth + Mikael have sex?
Hans Christian Andersen (1952) What the heck is up with Peter?
Anastasia (1997) How old are you if you love this movie?
Daisies (1966) anyone else love this movie as much as me?
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) heather langenkamp
Taken 2 (2012) Main bad guy's death
Dead or Alive (1999) Who is a better director?
Dead or Alive (1999) Who is a better director?
A Thousand Words (2012) 0% on rt
Epic (2013) $34 million out of $93 million budget for opening, $48 million worldwide