
Movie Title
Less Than Zero (1987) What's the deal with Andrew McCarthy
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) Eva Green is Awesome at Playing a Villain!
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) Ratings vs box office
Mississippi Burning (1988) He was my brother.
Backstairs at the White House (1979) CHEAPER ON E-BAY AND AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW !!
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006) Shroom/Sasquatch, BongWater + Anchorman
Starship Troopers: Invasion (2012) Turning the lights on
3 Days to Kill (2014) Song at end?
Rain Man (1988) Matchstick 'trick'...
Full Metal Jacket (1987) Matthew Modine's Audio Diary On Working With Stanley Kubrick
Alien Resurrection (1997) 101 Things I Learned From Alien:resurrection
The Lost World (2001) Lost World Gaming
Deliver Us from Evil (2014) Get Sony to cut Deliver Us From Evil down to a PG-13 rating
Brick Mansions (2014) What a terrible way for Paul Walker to go...
Eight Men Out (1988) Props to Michael Lerner as A.R.
Thor (2011) Kind of surprised the bartender allowed Thor to drink at the bar.
Haunter (2013) Haunter or The Lovely Bones
Alien (1979) SIGOURNEY IN 1979
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Possible plothole?
An American Werewolf in London (1981) Why is this films genre 'Horror'? Surely it's a comedy?