
Movie Title
Mulholland Drive (2001) Does anybody else...
Saving Shiloh (2006) awwww
Justice League: War (2014) Superman can't beat a parademon. WTF?
Are We Done Yet? (2007) Taj Mawry
Royal Wedding (1951) What's up with this movie?
Church Ball (2006) Halestorm! Please STOP making movies!
Prisoners (2013) The thing to remember with a creepy-looking film like this...
Purgatory (1999) James Vanderbeek - Uncredited?
Adore (2013) Song when Naomi finds out
Pulp Fiction (1994) Director vs TV channel?
Parenthood (1989) Why was Julie's Last Name Buckman?
300 (2007) The best war movie OF ALL TIME
Date and Switch (2014) DVD release date?
Unnatural Causes (2008) first post
Elysium (2013) Did anyone else think that Frey's daughter
Friday the 13th (1980) Who was final girl material in each film?
Starcrash (1978) When I Watch Caroline Munro In This Film...
Titanic (1997) Pretty good counter article to the hitting the iceberg head on theory
Early Summer (1951) Amazing commentary
Prison Break: The Final Break (2009) Reunite Prison Break