
Movie Title
The Bank Job (2008) Michael X + John Lennon
Alice (2009) Hatter question at the end
Man of Steel (2013) Don't panic. Watchmen has a 64% RT score
What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966) Fabulous Quotes!
The Boondock Saints (1999) If you liked this movie...
Star Trek (2009) Nero's Revenge was stupid...
Sex and the City 2 (2010) am i the only one who wants a third one?
The Avengers (2012) Better than Star Wars?! Everyone Seems To Love Avengers
Man of Steel (2013) DC Comics fans...who didn't like the movie?
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) Age difference...
A Knight's Tale (2001) Most attractive female in the film
Mallrats (1995) Why do so many people hate this movie?
Silver Linings Playbook (2012) Delete your post SLP style
Enter the Dragon (1973) How the hell is this movie rated 7/10?
Gummo (1997) What it means
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) Christian Spotlight
Mystery Men (1999) What happened to Casanova's girlfriend?
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2003) hypocrisy.. Stupid Monk
Rise of the Guardians (2012) Jack Frost's pants were a bit tight...
The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958) Who watched it in 1958 ?