
Movie Title
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) jake hoffman
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) The Phantom Menace: the story nobody wanted to see.
The Fifth Estate (2013) Laura Linney
Jurassic World (2015) Here's a game... Trade-a-Dino!'
The Butler (2013) Is Lee Daniels merely aping the success of other directors??
Filth (2013) bi-polar?
Only God Forgives (2013) What happened to Gordon ? (ginger guy with british accent)
Jack & Sarah (1995) Cute
The Campaign (2012) Children spouting filthy, vulgar lines
Planet of the Apes (1968) Great film but..
Carlito's Way (1993) Anyone find his accent amusing?
Bruce Almighty (2003) Steve Carell's Messed Up News Cast
Eight Men Out (1988) Should any of them be reinstated?
Dennis the Menace (1993) was the 1st installment much better than part 2?
The Big Knife (1955) SPOILER: Implausible plot. . .
After Earth (2013) The alternate opening
Day of the Dead (1985) Major plot hole, needs explaining!
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010) movies like tucker + dale
Annie Hall (1977) In real life, no woman would give Woody Allen a date
Enough Said (2013) Tony Soprano and Elaine!