
Movie Title
Bloomington (2010) sex in the film?
Bloomington (2010) sex in the film?
Von Richthofen and Brown (1971) Garbage ,as usual.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) What is missing from 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' - do you agree?
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Into Darkness is great, so why is it underperfoming at the box office?
Lawless (2012) Lawless vs Gangster Squad. Which is better?
Fast & Furious 6 (2013) The superman bridge scene, LMAO!
Batman Begins (2005) Best portrayal of Batman of the three Noland films:
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) A GAY MOVIE OR NOT??? WHY DOES IT MATTER!!
The Dictator (2012) what was offensive?!
Treasure Island (1934) What the hell?
Pride & Prejudice (2005) Was Mary appreciated?
A History of Violence (2005) Tired of the subjective gripes about this film? Here's an objective one.
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) I haven't heard one good argument defending this movie
Fast & Furious 6 (2013) People clapping in the theater
Cloverfield (2008) Satellite fell very close to shore. How does this awaken monster?
Cloverfield (2008) Satellite fell very close to shore. How does this awaken monster?
The Hangover Part III (2013) F//ck You American, you made this garbage a 51 millions dollar ?
Man of Steel (2013) Symbol of Hope?
Iron Man 3 (2013) Whats the Worst Threequel of All Time in your opinion ??