
Movie Title
Iron Man 3 (2013) Tony Stark is only Iron Man in this for maybe 5 minutes tops
Happiness (1998) How does the successful author live next to Phillip Seymore Hoffman?
Sleepless in Seattle (1993) 'drink milk from the other side' to get some sleep.
Rambo III (1988) Budget of $64 million? Where did all that money go?
Heat (1995) How did the Daughter know what hotel he was staying in?
The Player (1992) Garbage!
Alfie (1966) British Vocabulary . . . 'Mumsie' and 'Ponsified?'
Housesitter (1992) love it!
Russian Ark (2002) does everything in the movie suppose to make sense?
When Good Ghouls Go Bad (2001) Really cute and well acted
Waterboys (2001) ladida...noone's here
Last Man Standing (1996) That hat!
Touching Home (2008) 'AUDIENCE CHOICE' award at the Omaha Film Festival
Remember the Daze (2008) I have to admit...
White House Down (2013) So, how many bad white guys were killed???
Revolution (1985) Are There Any American Revolution Veterans here?
Castle Freak (1996) Remastered Edition in the UK May 2012
The Lone Ranger (2013) Is QYMgroor Johnny Depp?
The Experiment (2010) The 'pee' scene (spoilers)
Little Nikita (1988) Practically same movie