
Movie Title
Cosmopolis (2012) CosMOPolis or CosmoPOLIS?
The Master (2012) Proof that the Oscars really have no idea...
Boogie Nights (1997) Ok, Serious question, that I have never gotten an answer to
Red Dawn (1984) Who agrees that this was an excellent movie
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Lessons to learn from the tepid boxoffice
Show Boat (1936) Showboat 1936 Film
Mama (2013) OT: Best jump scare of all time?
Dead Man (1995) Whahappan?
The Campaign (2012) The ending is implausible
Streets of Fire (1984) Why is this movie so appealing?
Yesterday (2004) Yesterday's Husband
Iron Man 3 (2013) How I would fix this movie
Youth in Revolt (2009) He plays the same role in every movie!
Gardens of the Night (2008) So how did they get away from Tom ARnold?
Mean Machine (2001) mean machine, longest yard (original), longest yard (2005)
Virtuosity (1995) Training Day 2
And the Band Played On (1993) Is this serious?
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) I think he was lying
Operation Petticoat (1959) There was actualy a pink sub in reality for the reasons in the movie
David and Lisa (1962) Favorite Quote