
Movie Title
Legally Blondes (2009) Really? Natural blondes??
Legally Blondes (2009) Really? Natural blondes??
The Postman (1997) Best post-apocalypse movies?
Hairspray (2007) The clothes in this film are beyond great.
Righteous Kill (2008) Retirement age in NYC?
Cloud Atlas (2012) How's the nudity and violence?
Guess Who (2005) At an estimated cost of $100,000, digital effects were used to remove
Zero Dark Thirty (2012) 'I'm the motherf--ker that found it, sir.': Worst line of the year!!!
Future Boy Canon The Adventures of Adnan and Lena
Rambo (2008) Rate The Rambos
Open Water (2003) In the end do they both die?
Spring Breakers (2013) Describe Spring Breakers in two words or less...
Wax, or The Discovery of Television Among the Bees (1991) anyone out there?
Future Boy Canon The Adventures of Adnan and Lena
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King (2006) Best Story!
Once Upon a Time in the Midlands (2002) Where are the English subtitles?
Dial 1119 (1950) The past meets the future?? Big Screen tv
Kill! (1968) Why is this a comedy?
Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (2008) One problem I had with this film
GO (2001) Jong-Il's Big thing