
Movie Title
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984) Second worst unmasked Jason to part 8
A Thousand Words (2012) I hated his wife
Heartbreak Ridge (1986) Marines are the ICING on the military cake
Hostage (2005) Non funny parts that made you laugh..
Wonderland (2003) Dark side of Porn
War of the Worlds (2005) Is Robbie the biggest moron ever?
Rock of Ages (2012) Shows 80's hard rock holds up (unlike Rap)
When Harry Met Sally... (1989) Jess and Marie
Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody (2006) English
The Ghost of Lord Farquaad (2004) 4-D
The Nines (2007) Christianity Parallel Theory
Blame It on Rio (1984) favorite scene
Avatar (2009) Pleasure girls on Pandora military base
Tangled (2001) music
Star Wars (1977) If they knew they were being tracked why go directly to the rebel base?
The Host (2013) The Accents.
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) Wondered why people didn't like it...then got half way in
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Mj should be like Cheryl from archer
Army of Darkness (1992) What's your fav quote from AoD?
Thirteen or So Minutes... (2008) this is a must see