
Movie Title
Though None Go with Me (2006) what if Ben
Meskada (2010) Netflix
Collapse (2012) A decent horror movie...the twist was unexpected
Man of Steel (2013) Where did the fortress of solitude ship come from?
Private Parts (1997) Who was the torso
The Counselor (2013) What is Cormac Mccarthy saying?
World War Z (2013) Why couldn't Gerry's kids be more like Thomas?
Man of Steel (2013) Its over
Doomsday (2008) The action sequences are horribly edited!
Enemy (2014) how does he know the wife's name?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) When did Fox and Bay makeup
Ray (2004) Was it Ray's fault his brother died?
Man of Steel (2013) Reloaded + Revolutions are best superman movies
World War Z (2013) Brad's hair
A Serious Man (2009) Jewish people need somebody to love
5150 Elm's Way (2009) Would the kid really be that messed up?
30 Days Until I'm Famous (2004) pics
Mirrors (2008) Kiefers' car
The Truth (2010) So, is this movie coming to theaters or not?
Up the River (1930) Just saw this on TCM