
Movie Title
Red State (2011) Jay and Silent Bob.should have been
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993) Blair Underwood as Steven Freemen
Nancy Drew (2007) a second movie
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Sebastian Stan
The Man from Hong Kong (1975) Extras
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) success or fail
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Hottest woman in the film?
Riddick (2013) Missed first few minutes...
Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer (2007) I hate how Canadians pronounce 'sorry'
Prisoners (2013) Confused about window break-in and socks (several questions...)
Caché (2005) where to watch this online?
American Psycho (2000) Paul Allen psycho
Trading Places (1983) Music
The Fugitive (1993) Things I have learned from watching The Fugitvie.......
Notes on a Scandal (2006) Barbara mother's knew something was wrong?
In My Country (2004) Americans are quite ignorant, and I am one of them.
The Dark Knight (2008) Comic fans: The Dark Knight Returns question
Possession (1981) 5/10
Cross of Iron (1977) Brilliant ending (spoilers, obviously)
Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962) I Adore This Movie: