
Movie Title
Die Hard (1988) Die Hard vs Terminator 2
The Siege of Firebase Gloria (1989) Director knew nothing about VC tactics
Lincoln (2012) assassination scene botched
Skyfall (2012) Subtle batman references
Les Misérables (2012) Russell Crowe as Javert -- Disappointed
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) 3 problems with 48 fps (2 of which are CGI related)
Chronicle (2012) So what was the thing in the hole supposed to be?
Total Recall (2012) 3 breasted woman... and PG-13???
The Siege of Firebase Gloria (1989) Director knew nothing about VC tactics
House on Haunted Hill (1999) original was better
Big Fish (2003) Review of the movie - Narcissistic dad
Rabbit Hole (2010) Anybody Else Think This Would Have Been Ideal For Kate Winslet
Six-String Samurai (1998) why water? *spoilers*
Six-String Samurai (1998) why water? *spoilers*
The Maiden Heist (2009) Great cast, cute concept, bad film
The Winslow Boy (1999) Was he guilty?
After Earth (2013) How can things evolved to kill humans...if we werent around for 1000year
Bloodsport (1988) The Coin Trick
Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988) Just shy of being a softcore porn